CYFS Intake Form

Your Data, Your Choice

The information that you provide will be used to create your file, provide effective service and help us contact you.
Privacy –CCA is committed to respecting your privacy. All personal information is handled in compliance with Australian privacy law. For more details on how we collect, use and disclose personal information please read our Privacy Policy available on our website or in hard copy in our offices.
Confidentiality – All staff sign a Confidentiality Agreement. State and Federal legislation requires staff to notify the relevant authority if they reasonably believe that a person’s health and safety, or that of the public, is at risk.
Research – De-identified data is used for research and evaluation purposes, including compiling statistics to guide us and our funders on how to improve our services.
Counselling Declaration – All information is kept confidential and stored securely in accordance with legislation.  Unidentified data is compiled for funding reports. You are free to access your file upon requests. You are free to ask questions or make complaints about the service you have received. No referrals or information will be shared without your consent. Further information regarding the above mentioned can be found in our policies that can be supplied upon your request.


Mailing Address

GETTING IN TOUCH – Please provide at least two main contact options

Disability Details
